For over 26 years we’ve been taking people away from the noise and bustle of everyday life into the outback and outdoors as part of our leadership and team development programs. We even take your phones so you can concentrate on what you’re doing AT THAT MOMENT (that’s how serious and committed we are to your development). For most people, it’s the first time in their adult lives they have the opportunity to really concentrate on themselves without the ‘noise’ of everyday life to distract them. Our process takes anywhere from 5 – 12 days and it works….no one has ever died on the program from not having their phone. Mostly they just say ‘don’t give me the phone back’.
The point of the above is this: on Linked In and elsewhere, we’ve noticed everyone ‘pivoting’ to create new products in the new environment and to those people we say “we think you’re amazing and keep up the good work”.
However for us, we’re outdoor-based and we focus on creating healthy working relationships with others and self-development/awareness of the individual by putting them through challenging and fun outdoor-based activities over 5-12 days.
This process requires 2 things:
1. Being in a group of people.
2. Being in the outdoors.
Doesn’t quite work virtually…..
So – in order to keep out of all the white noise that is bombarding us from all directions, and keep the integrity of our products, we promise that during this crisis we will not:
– try to sell you anything
– give advice outside our expertise
– do a webinar
– do a virtual workshop
Why? because there’s too much information out there right now, and we believe adding our voice is counter-productive and adding to the stress – no one needs that. Even this blog would constitute white noise you don’t need right now. Sorry about that.
Basically, you need HEAD SPACE to think about what to do next.
First thing to go when times are hard are travel and training but we’ll still be here when this is all over. We’ve been through SARS, bird flu, swine flu and the GFC. Our clients know we are resilient, and we’re already planning for a busy end of the year with them – they have stuck by us and sent their support and words of encouragement.
As always, we are adaptive to the unique requirements of our clients, and we will have something to help you rebuild yourself and your exhausted, fractured workforce when you have the head space to think about rebuilding. You will need to RECONNECT, REBUILD AND REFOCUS in a new world. And trust us, it will happen though it may not feel like it right now.
Until then, keep CALM, keep CONNECTED and endeavour to get some sun on your face and fresh air in your lungs somehow (it will calm the stress hormones down for a while).
See you on the other side!
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