Andre Burki
ANDRE has extensive organisational development and coaching experience working with leaders in mining, utilities, IT, Insurance, retail-logistics, chemical industry and non-profit sectors. Andre is a practitioner of several assessment tools, including The Leadership Circle, Human Synergistics Group Styles Inventory (LSI/GSI), Marshall Goldsmith Stakeholder Centered Coaching and Majors PTi (MBTI/Interstrength). His deep understanding of human nature and ability to evoke change in attitudes and behaviours with leaders results in improved employee satisfaction, teamwork and productivity. Andre is accredited as professional certified coach (ICF-PCC) with the International Coaching Federation and holds a Graduate Diploma in Business Administration from the University of Applied Sciences FHNW and a Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resource Development from the University of Lucerne both in Switzerland. As an originally landlocked Swiss I am grateful to live close to the ocean with my wife and our dogs and cats.
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